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#Sunday, September 28, 2008 1:39 AM#


梦想中 属於我们的婚礼
却成了 单人结婚进行曲
撒娇的 可爱的 迷人的 爱哭的
照片里 曾经的 都是你喜欢的

你说我爱你太多 就快要把你淹没
你害怕幸福 短暂一秒就崩落
分开是一种解脱 让你好好的想过
我想要的那片天空 你是不是能够给我

你说我给你太多 却不能给我什麽
爱情是一道伤口 我们各自苦痛
沉默是我最後温柔 是因为我太爱你

梦想中 属於我们的婚礼
安静了 在我枕边的梦里
撒娇的 可爱的 电人的 爱哭的
照片里 曾经的 都是爱着你的

你说我爱你太多 就快要把你淹没
你害怕幸福 短暂一秒就崩落
分开是一种解脱 让你好好的想过
我想要的那片天空 你是不是能够给我

你说我给你太多 却不能给我什麽
爱情是一道伤口 我们各自苦痛
沉默是我最後温柔 是因为我太爱你

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 1:20 AM#

blahs ~
just now went to sch for ss remedial .
abt 1hours going 2hours .
afterwhich , went to geypoh to eat .
and in the end , decide to study at dawn's house .
;D haha , today we never slack !
whole day keep doing A and E maths .
~.~ totally never play games today .
lols , a lot of funny things happen ;X
and the anderson amaths paper really kills me .
=.= do one question need so long .
so many decimal somemore .
zzz , then went home at abt 6 to 7pm .
listen to S.H.E new songs .
nice , xD
okies , shall update next round .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Saturday, September 20, 2008 2:16 PM#

gahhs , ~.~
got back all my result on friday .
except combined humanities .
a lot of careless mistakes .
must be more careful in o level .
ohs yehs .
yesterday , was the earliest day i got home .
LOLS , so song lahs .
1pm plus 就到家了 .
xD gees .
subway cookie is super nice lahs .
feel lyke eating it again , ;X
haha update next time .
and and below are some pictures
of my favourite 模范棒棒堂 and 小樂 !

see , 小樂 got no panda eyes lohs ! ;P

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Thursday, September 18, 2008 10:25 PM#

ohs , today get back some of my results .
english , amaths , physic mcq ,
biology and chemistry paper respectively .
* phews * i passed my english .
thanks god , i really hope i can improve on my english .
i flunk the comprehension by 2marks .
seriously need to improve my comprehension
and free writing .
but the overall marks ,
i improve my english by 7marks .
yeps , motivations .
though its not a lot .
but i believe .
慢慢来 , 一定可以的 !
everyone , jiayous too .
tml shall get back emaths paper , core geography
and combined humanities paper .
hope i did well .
good lucks to everyone , ;D
update soon yehs .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Wednesday, September 17, 2008 8:45 PM#

whees , today went out .
with delphy , ew , dawn and charista .
went to eat swensen .
super full , haha .
den go watch bangkok dangerous .
lols , something lyke wanted lohs .
some part a bit disgusting , =.=
nc16 movie everytime lyke that .
then then went to eat ajisen ramen .
zzz , the desserts sucks .
really sucks .
so not nice lahs .
no taste , and the green tea is even worst .
haha , its dawn's one .
no sweetness .
only bitter taste .
=.= i hate bitter .
the teriyaki chicken bento was so-so lohs .
but i feel sumo's teriyaki chicken bento better .
arghs , long time no eat sumo lers !
feel lyke eating , ;X
and my mayonise prata also !
haha , after that .
jiu go home lers .
reach home at about 8plus .
alrights , shall update next time .
awws , i hate tml .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Monday, September 15, 2008 10:38 PM#

WHOOS ! good news for mieex .
my prelims are officially over !
whakakas , finally .
after so many weeks of muggings .
two days of breaks for mieex .
;P shall go out .
anyways , grats to those whose prelims are over too !
those who are still having ur prelims .
good lucks yehs .
wells , slacked the whole day .
and slept w/o an alarm .
whoos , super songs nahs .
i'm having phobia of alarms now .
haha , okies .
shall blog next time .
cyehs !
and and , 小樂 have no panda eye okies !
haha , hes just a little chubby .
that's cute . ;D

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Sunday, September 14, 2008 12:43 AM#

blahs ! xD
hmms , nth much today .
slack alort , ;X
whakakas , played harvest moon .
found the cheat .
LOLS ! its more fun with the cheat .
;P anyways , today had tummy-ache again .
its the 2nd time for this week .
arghs , dunos eat wad wrong thing .
=.= watched 模范棒棒堂 ders 毕业典礼 .
the first batch ders .
so touching , why must they leave ~
its boring w/o them .
the new 模范棒棒堂 , i watch lers .
i hardly laugh , -__-"
well , at least dere's 小樂 !
he darn 可爱 lahs .
just now the 毕业典礼 .
they must exchange prezzie .
den when it was hes turn to come down and exchange .
guess wad ?
LOLS , he forget to ZIP hes PANTS !
so blur and cute lahs .
he quickly turn around and zip it .
haha , so 可爱 .
okies , dere's evidence to show that he's cute .
xD enjoy the pictures .
of cus , 小傑 is still my lovees .
anyways , just wanna say .


♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Saturday, September 13, 2008 12:18 AM#

hais , life's fragile .
LIFE is really and definitely fragile .
treasure ur life , cherish ur lovees one .
express ur lovees and feelings to ur lovees one today ,
or it may be too late tml .
everything's unexpected .
nobody could predict the future .
yoo'll nvr know wad may happen the next moment .
wells , finally .
the mugging week was over for mieex .
i'm left with mon , ;D .
and two days of break for mieex .
cheers ~ xD
i seriously hope i will pass my eng and core geography .
* god bless *
and amaths too .
gosh , i think i'm falling for 小樂 .
he's shuais and cute !

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Sunday, September 07, 2008 12:35 AM#

super cold lahs !
okies , today woke up .
mugged and slacked .
waited fers mum to come hm .
in the end , meet her at jp .
cus going update our hp plan .
or else it will end at oct .
chosen my phone , signed .
and went hm .
wad a cold night .
hmms , shall stop here .
will probably update after the prelims .
jiayous and good lucks fers the prelims !

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Saturday, September 06, 2008 1:21 AM#

concentrate on your studies girl !
jush concentrate fers now .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Friday, September 05, 2008 12:36 PM#

heys , ;D
whoos , woke up at 8.3oam .
@___@ super slpy .
and cold lahs .
a good day to slp .
but have to force myself to wake up .
to go for mr lim core geography remedial .
anws , woke up .
bathed plus breakfast .
go sch .
and mr lim release us 1omins earlier ~
xD so good lohs .
nowadays , keep having the feel to eat waffles !
but the darn queue always so long .
=.= okies lahs .
shall update next time . (;
time for mieex to move on .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Wednesday, September 03, 2008 5:18 PM#

yawns , ~.~
today went to sch fers history lesson .
woke up at 7.3oam .
YAWNS , darn early .
had lesson inside ava room .
super duper cold lahs !
do finish the yellow book ,
had a group work .
take result .
jiu release lers .
today release at 11.3oam !
whoos , anws .
went hm jiu slp straight away .
super slpy uhs .
half slp half awake , saw my cousin .
haha , but went back to slp again .
four jush wake up , ;D .
whakakas , suddenly have the feel to eat waffles .
but its raining !
arghs , had so many ulcers lahs .
toopid toopid toopid .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 12:06 AM#

today went to dawn's hse to study tgt .
haha , mieex and delp help them buy lunch okies !
xP , still keep complaining uhs .
especially JJ .
ohs yehs .
deres mieex , delp , dawn , jj and kokwai .
haha , fersget to take chilli mahs .
the person oso nvr auto .
anws , study till abt 3pm .
jiu start slacking lers , ;X .
played psp .
and jj keep asking mieex to stop playing .
and study .
but actually , he wanna play !
haha , lend him my psp .
and he play the djmax lyke mad .
=.= lvl 2 canort lers still go play lvl 9 .
den all decide to slack .
and we play the party scrabble at first .
haha , den decide to play cheat .
okies , im bad at this game .
find it hard to cheat !
hais , this shows i dun lied frequently , ;X .
whakakas , anws .
after that cheating game .
we decide to play another game again .
heart-attack .
haha , we played two rounds as i gtgs fers my tuition .
the first round , i won !
cheers ~ hitted JJ !
haha , and the second round .
delp won ! cheers again ~
and hitted JJ again ~
whakakas , hip hip hurray !
den went home by bus .
=X press the wrong bell at the wrong bus-stop .
shh , ;X .
den went hm eat , jiu go tuition liaos .
v cold , as it was raining .
watched the new batch of mou fan bang bang tang .
but they haben kai tang yet .
only chose .
tml shall be the first day to KAI TANG bahs !
shall stop here .
BYEE , ;D .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Tuesday, September 02, 2008 2:28 AM#

Joke of the Day :
Miss Singapore;

One of the main reasons why in recent years the Singapore Government has always ensured that their Miss Universe representative were of tertiary level education or higher was because of the following incident which occurred not too many years ago. It is the final round of the Miss Universe Pageant and the 3 finalists, Miss USA, Miss Malaysia and Miss Singapore are being asked 3 simple questions:

MC: The first question is name me an electrical appliance starting with "L" .
Miss USA: Lamp
Miss Malaysia: Light bulb
Miss Singapore: LADIO
Judge: No, no, Radio does not start with the letter "L"

MC: I am going to give you 2 more chances; The next question is name me an animal starting with the letter "L" .
Miss USA: Lion
Miss Malaysia: Leopard
Miss Singapore: LABBIT
Judge: No, no, no, Rabbit does not start with the letter "L"

MC: I am going to give you one last chance, if you answer this question incorrectly, you are disqualified. Name me a fruit starting with the letter "L" .
Miss USA: Lemon
Miss Malaysia: Lychee
Miss Singapore, with full of confidence, smiles and says: LIEWLIAN !!

This is not the end of the story, the Judge consulted the board of judges to determine if Miss Singapore should really disqualified; and they decided that since Miss Singapore was having as many problems with the letter "L", the decided to give her another chance.

Judge: OK, the final question is name me a human anatomy starting with the letter "L" .
Miss USA: Lung (applause)
Miss Malaysia: Liver (even more applause)
Miss Singapore: LAN CIAU
Judge: ?????????!!!!

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 1:40 AM#

Quote of the Day :
World is cruel , lovee is blind .
Lost in sadness , blue in mind .
Heart is broken , flames had died .
Time has passed , and he's nort mine .
Life suxs , lovee hurts .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Monday, September 01, 2008 11:44 AM#

whoos , im the first to wake up today !
i mean among my siblings , ;X .
miracle ! haha .
anws , nth much to blog abt .
jush habe the feel .
haha , okies .
today shall be a mugging day .
im going to mug wibe my bro !
hes official exams are tml !
motivations , haha .
JIAYOUS fers mieex and my bro , ;D .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 1:59 AM#

hmms , went out today again .
~.~ nowadays keep going out .
went to aunty hse to cele my cousin b-dae .
had kfc fers lunch , ;D .
and went to slack plus sleep .
haha , when i woke up .
its dinner time .
lols , ate porridge fers dinner .
and followed by a chocolate ice-cream cake !
lols , after that .
i ate a mango pudding !
lols , thats yY i gain weight .
haha , anws .
bought a tees fers her .
reach hm at abt 9pm plus .
bathed , and realise i waste one day again .
though thru alort .
mayb its time to go on the separate way .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.



18th, January 1992
SQPS, BLSS, Ngee Ann Poly

♥Leave Your Footprints


Ang Siang
Beng Khoon
Cai Yun
Chen Bin
Hui Ting
Hoe Yeen
Jie Yen
Lei Yi
May Poh
Sim Yee
Si Ying
Sing Hui
Ying Shao
Yi Hui
Zhao Zu


August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009


Currently none, (: