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#Sunday, November 30, 2008 1:34 AM#

random post !

小樂 and 贱兔 , both so luhs !
my cup of tea , LOLS >.< - unrealistic dream - 小樂 and 贱兔 , 可爱男孩 >.< 小樂 and Yoyo , hees
小樂 ! x33333
innocent, lols
包包嘴的小樂 ~
超可爱的啦 ! 最喜欢这张了 !

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Saturday, November 29, 2008 11:17 PM#

hees , xD
today woke up in the morning ,
and went to delp's house for steamboat ~
haha , meet at cck at 12pm plus .
haha , ee wei brought along her cousin .
and went to supermarket to buy our food for the steamboat .
hees , then went to delp house and slack .
or rather , play !
lols , >.<
went downstairs together with
delp , ee wei , dawn , ee wei's cousin , delp's sis , bro and cousin .
haha , they were having fun .
they ( ee wei , her cousin , delp's sis , bro and cousin )
while me , delp , dawn and her puppy .
sat down at the bball court there and chat .
and play with didi ( the puppy )
then went up to eat steamboat .
ohs yehs , and we played poka cards .
i was unlucky in the beginning .
keep losing $ .
especially when ee wei was the who who .
lazy type , just call that who who .
haha , then .
dawn soon became the who who cause ee wei pok lers .
haha , dawn keep win when ee wei was the who who .
then i soon began to won lers lohs ~
and ee wei was super darn unlucky .
lols , then she combine with me ^^
i so lucky , she want some of my lucks luhs .
cheys , and i became unlucky again .
so suays ders her ;X
haha , have fun today .
especially when we were trying to
stack the poka cards into a pyramid !
ee wei manage to build it successfully ~
i also got lahs , but .
everytime want take photo then collapse lers !
gahhs , toopid ~
haha , only ee wei manage to take the photo .
and en en too !
everytime i want take then collapse lers =.=
xD , okies .
shall let the photos do the talking .
byee ~
delp's puppy , didi .
busy stacking the poka cards , >.< toopid face .
opps , too ugly lers lahs >.<
en en , xD
ee wei's first pyramid , smile till so happy ~.~
her second pyramid , larger ders !
ee wei's cousin pyramid , she build it herself ! - claps -
she and her pyramid ! xD - jealous -

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 2:56 AM#

lazy , haha
LOLS , >.<
today actually want go for interview ders .
but felt so weird , the company .
plus my family don't want me go so far to work .
lols , then decide not to go for interview lers .
hmms , i'm so happy !
shall not say why .
lazy type , haha .
i just lovees my family ~
hees , then me and dawn decide to go have lunch .
haha , and we walked to PS .
since it was lunch time .
every restraunt was filled with ppl .
so , we decided to shop first before eating .
haha , then actually decided to go eat sumo house ders .
but then suddenly i have the feel to eat popeye >.<
hees , then we headed down to changi airport to have it .
lols , super free luhs .
and i lovees changi airport's atmosphere !
so peaceful and not crowded .
haha , went to T3's popeye .
but alot of ppl .
then decide to go another popeye restraunt .
but i forget is at T1 or T2 lers >.<
then in the end , go T2 .
but realise it was at T1 !
haha , >.<
so paiseh , anyway .
i know dawn won't mind ders lahs hors ?
haha , got me pei yoo is ur fortune lehs .
haha , then have my favourite meal !
i super lovees the bread and mashed potato lahs .
so nicee , hees .
next time shall go eat again !
together with DEDJ kies ~
hees , then go shop shop .
buy my favourite landyard ~
or wadevaa , i dunos how to spell .
lols , and headed home .
haha , shall update next time .
byee x3

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Thursday, November 27, 2008 11:54 PM#

blahs blahs blahs .
went to bugis just now .
together with my cousin .
chat a lot with her .
after that , went to get my specs .
^^ i lyke it v much .
hees , tml going interview lers .
hope everything goes well .
suddenly feel v ..
dunos how to describe .
byee and takecares .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Tuesday, November 25, 2008 11:06 PM#

hmms , ~.~
i have quitted that @#$%^&*@^$% job !
haha , it's ..
too tiring for me .
though the ppl there are really kind .
but , i'm just unable to continue it .
my mind wanted to , but my body doesn't want .
my back are still aching .
maybe , i'm weak .
well , a boring day for me .
i've thought through it .
yeps , it's the end .
everything has an end ?
ain't it ?
wad goes up ,
will definitely comes down .
because of gravity .
cheys , =.=
well , byee .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Monday, November 24, 2008 10:10 PM#

GAHHHS , i'm so tired !
it's only the first day .
and my legs , hands and back are sour !
oh my gosh lahs .
can yoo believe i stood for 8 hours today ?
excluding travelling durations and eating time .
my leg is darn darn sour .
and so are my hands !
-.- not a tiring job .
is a SUPER DUPER TIRING job luhs .
haha , but the ppl there are ..
okies , let's start from morning .
dawn met me below my house .
and we walk to interchange with my mum .
as today was the first day .
my mum doesn't want us to be late .
so , she said we have to board the 7.35am bus .
she saw our bus was on its way .
and we went running !
lols , in the end .
the bus was just driving around first =.=
and we board the bus and blahs blahs .
arrived , haha .
then saw my mum's friend .
Aunty1 : 嘿 , 你的女儿啊 ?
Mum : 对咯 , 刚才我以为那个Bus来了我就跑 . 结果不是 , 哈哈 .
Aunty1 : 对咯 , 我就是看你跑 , 我也跟着你跑 .
laughs , funny lahs .
then when we reach the work place .
the most common sentence was :
same face , look lyke yoo lehs , 很像你咧 .
haha , then my mum nida go off lers .
so her friend , a aunty brought us to the work area
to wait to start work .
while we arrive , a boy pass by .
Aunty2 : 嘿 , 小弟 !
Boy : 嘿 , 小妹 !
laughs , so funny lahs .
after that is work work work .
and they're really friendly .
during lunch time ,
many keep ask us know where to eat mahs .
haha , we told them yes .
but in the end , we lost =.=
haha , but awhile jiu find tio the eating place lers .
got me sure won't lost ders , cheys .
haha , okies shall stop here .
i'm super tired lahs .
hais , 加油 bahs .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Sunday, November 23, 2008 8:51 PM#

ahhs , >.<
today went to make new specs !
haha , lovees it v much .
black and white ders .
but the design is special .
for me , haha .
tml's going work lers .
haha , the feeling is ..
undescribetable , lols .
my first time , hees .
going work together with dawn .
while ee wei is with delphinna .
for convenience purpose .
hees , good luck my 老婆们 !
;D so , will be away from 8.3Oam to 5.3Opm .
a full time job .
which is not wad i wanted , but .
well , nvrm .
hope everything goes well .
加油 and takecares .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Friday, November 21, 2008 11:13 PM#

LALALAS , here are the photos .
enjoy , xD
Group ; first row : Delphinna , Ee Wei , Me
middle row : Meng Huat , Royston , Yan Xun , Hong An
last row : Ivan , Terence , Jian Hui
Hong An ;D
Ivan ~
Terence !
Si Ya (;
Han Ling :D
Ying Jia xP
Chen Jian x__X
Kok Wai (:
Jia Quan @__@
Alvin ;X
Sebastian ^^
Franky C;
Alyfie =X
Meldric (3
Beng Khoon o'',o
Jun Jie :P
Prang xD
Miss Linda , Delphinna , Ee Wei !
Atiqah ^___^
Li Shi ;D
Hoe Yeen ;S
Meng Huat xP
Keng An @___@
Ee wei x3
Siti , Delphinna , Ee wei ^^,
Jian Hui (;
May Poh ;P
Xiao Xuan (:
Xiao Yan xD
Delphinna x3
Hui Ting :D
Charista , Delphinna C:

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:22 PM#

and that's the END of Graduation Night .
haha , if i'm gonna post the pictures .
this will gonna be a super duper long post .
lols , take super lots of pictures .
haha , the food was okies nias .
=.= only can say one word .
disappointment , yawns .
75$ for a buffet dinner at Marriot Hotel , -.-
grooming course was seriously better .
haha , anyways .
forget about the food bahs .
was fun though .
just that we didn't get to sit with our classmates .
we ( me , delp and ee wei )
short of one sit .
thus , we sit with delp's sister .
lols , was kinda weird >.<
they were super enthusiastic luhs .
except the three of us .
and a guy .
haha , after that .
went to delp's house to stay overnight .
hees , too much things happen .
lazy to type luhs .
somemore , delp's sister and brother .
ton with us sias * shocked *
budden because they woke up at 1pm lahs .
haha , then there's charista too .
haha , about 3pm send her back home .
haha , okies lahs .
i shall stop here now .
byee xD

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Friday, November 14, 2008 10:42 PM#

today went to reborn my hair .
haha , woke up at 7.3Oam okies !
super early luhs .
do from 8.3Oam to about 12pm plus !
~.~ sit till backside pain .
haha , after which .
go bugis look for Graduation Night thingys .
tried some .
quite nice though .
but didn't buy >.<
shall not post the reason here , LOLS .
anyways , will look out for it again .
teehees , leg super sour ~
ate my sour plum sweet potato .
super nice , plus the soursop drink .
whoos , heaven luhs .
haha , shall update next time .
byee and takecares .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Thursday, November 13, 2008 9:31 AM#

i'm officially FREED ~
haha , finally lahs .
my O level finished lers .
whoos , so happy can ~
gees , all i can say is .
FINALLY , ohs gosh .
after so much muggings .
i finally could have my holidays .
must cherish it !
gees , next few days i'm gonna be super busy luhs .
haven bought my graduation night thingys !
lols , >.<
tml gonna reborn my hair .
plus go shopping with my jie .
sunday going shop for graduation night thingys with DEDJ .
hees , monday going shop with jie again .
tuesday going shop with DEDJ again .
whakakas , super busy luhs .
but nevermind , i lyke xP
i rather busy going out than busy studying .
whakakas , toopid lahs .
who lovees studying =.=
haha , ohs .
i miss the sour plum sweet potato .
so nicee lahs >.<
gonna buy it when i go bugis shop !
haha , okies lahs .shall stop here .
hees , byees .
takecares and have super lots of fun ! ^^

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Tuesday, November 11, 2008 10:29 AM#

had my second last paper today .
=\ almost everyone had their last paper today .
left the biology students nias ?
i suppose .
haha , nevermind .
i shall wait for thursday >.<
it'll soon be here .
gees , today paper was okies luhs .
FREEDOM , 我来了 !
haha , today stomache again .
yawns , dunos eat wad wrong thingy again .
4.3Oam wake up lehs .
~.~ so sleepy .
but , i've decide to surf the net a while first .
before i take a nap .
gees , okies lahs .
shall stop here .
will update soon , hees .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Saturday, November 08, 2008 1:15 AM#

long time never update lers >.<
haha , due to o levels .
finally , left 2 more papers .
and everyone too .
gees , holiday's coming .
好期待啊 ! ;P
haha , anyways .
think i'm going to reborn my hair .
gees , and i have a lot of things to do after o level !
i wanna go sun tan !
it's been so long since i tan my skin .
haha , i gonna go sentosa , shopping , chalet , bbq .
and a lot more .
and probably work .
haha , but currently .
don't have anything in mind yet .
nevermind , 船到桥头自然直 . ^^
anyways , today went to orchard with ee wei and delp .
lols , ee wei is REALLY ..
dunos can use wad words to describe her .
haha , watched Quantum of Solace .
lols , not bad .
quite nice , haha .
just that i keep chua tio , ~.~
awws , my leg are sour .
shall update next time round .
gees , takecares .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.



18th, January 1992
SQPS, BLSS, Ngee Ann Poly

♥Leave Your Footprints


Ang Siang
Beng Khoon
Cai Yun
Chen Bin
Hui Ting
Hoe Yeen
Jie Yen
Lei Yi
May Poh
Sim Yee
Si Ying
Sing Hui
Ying Shao
Yi Hui
Zhao Zu


August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009


Currently none, (: