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#Sunday, May 31, 2009 10:47 PM#

Yaya , i'm updating again :D
I soooo hardworking right ~ =X
Update everyday , hahahahaha .

And and the surprising thing is ..
I've completed my MIEC tutorial ytd .
And and i completed my FMM tutorial today can !

OMGS , it's a miracle to me ~
I always procrastinate de ;X

Actually is because i've got nth to play on the net -.-
Bored , FB and msn is not enough to keep me entertained =X
Unless got 20 ppl talking to me in msn , HAHAHAHAH JOKING .

Went out to shopping again , just now ;P
Bought a skirt from cotton on !
As i said before , they are having sale now ~

I bought 2 bottoms and 1 skirt from there in 1 week alr .
=X Sooooo , i shld buy top next week ~ whooos .
Okies , i'm like siaos -.- keep buying every week .
Well well , wadevaaaaaaaaa ~ HAHAHAHAHA .

Sians sians , tml got sch alr .
Must wake up freaking early .
Shall go sleep alr , OHYASUMI LOVELIES ~

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Saturday, May 30, 2009 11:12 PM#

Memories (;

Well , actually got nth to blog lahs ;X
Just got the "feel" to blog , LOLS !
Anyways , I LOVEE TODAY ~ haha .

TODAY is a damn damn slack day man ;P
Only eat , sleep and play ! (:
How i wish my life was like that everyday .
LOLS , yaya . STOP DREAMING uhs .

Oohs ya , everyone seems to receive emails from STB alr .
EXCEPT ME . i seriously didn't receive any emails from them .
Awws , i think they rejected me =X HAHAHAHAHAHA .
NVRM , it's their loss ! ;X hahahahahaha , joking .

Oohs ya , rmb i say we used 8hrs to make our props ?
Below are some of our props :D v cute uhs .

I loveee this (:

Our hardwork ! (:
*Grabbed from Chia Ling~

Everyone really put in alot of effort (:
Thanks to Chia Ling , Jaime , Joey and Lei Yi ~
*Claps claps* for yoo guys :D

Okies , shall stop here . BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ;D

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Friday, May 29, 2009 9:49 PM#

WHALALAS , went to S&W early in the morning .
Today is quite slack ;P Like it alot , but only for today .
HAHAHAHAHA , yaya . I'm a slacker , (:

Basically , we just do some ball handling and shooting today .
Quite fun , but i'm a ball-shooter idiot -.-
2 out of 10 balls in nias -.- or even lesser lahs ;X

Afterwhich , meet up with CATS group member .
And went to Red Dot Museum and URA .
Both are boring to me ~.~ Though i find some v creative .

And and there's something v cool in URA .
A touch screen thingy . Damn damn cool =X
It's totally like those touch screen machine in the movie !

But still , it's boring for me ! ;X
Guess i don't suits those museum kinda thingys .

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA , after that went back home .
All of them alight v early , left me in the mrt .
Thought i would have to travel back alone .
BUT , saw ram ! HAHA , he came into the mrt from dover .
Omgs , it's damn coincidence and shocking that he still remember me .
Haha , as yoo guys know . I cut bangs , and alot of ppl can't reconigse me .

Soooo , chatted with him . Haha , he went to SP . Seems nice there .
I shld have choosen SP too ;\ Hmms , he suggested me to change sch if i want .
But , maybe not . Kinda troublesome uhs , hahahahahahahahahaha .
I'll just endure 3 more years ! (: Currently adapting in progress alr , haha .

My bones almost break today man , freaking sour .
Especially back , totally lifeless . I hate it .
It's girls problem , i think i don't need to elaborate more ;X

Yoo guys shld know , especially if yoo know me v long (:

I go do BSTA e-learning le , byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .
I've made up my mind ! (:

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Thursday, May 28, 2009 9:03 PM#



♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 8:39 PM#

T____T My four days of e-learning just flew away .
In the end , i have e-learning = no e-learning -.-

E-learning is freaking tiring lohs .
I rather have lectures and tutorials than e-learning .
I know , yoo guys must be wondering why i sooo anti e-learning right .

Because we spent 9~10hours on the FMM-ITR e-learning video lahs -.-
OMGS , my bone almost crack man . The props took us 8hours okies .
But we loveeee our props alot , it freaking cute lahs ! Damn damn cute .

Especially the shortest guy , i like it alot man ;P hes damn cute .
But i nvr bring home ~.~ before the thing can reach my hse ,
the thing sure break alr . for sure , -.- cause i'm not gentle can (:

Anyways , the good thing is we finishes our props and video in one day !
WHOOHOOO ~ cheers to my group , hahahahahahahahaha ;D

Basically , i went to sch everyday during e-learning week .
Though wed is go joey's hse lahs , but also consider going sch .
Arghs , tml is IS Module again . Must go red dot museum and URA .

Don't really feel like going , -.-
Cause going there means assignment is coming up .
HAHAHAHA , okies face the fact girl ! ~.~

Cotton on is having sales again ~ OMGOMGS (;
Bought 2 bottoms from there :D boh $$$ liaos ~
And and i also bought a gold nail polish , damn nice haha .

Okies , that's v random . oohs ya ! must must must post this man .
Baby is damn proud that she wear size S from cotton on , hahaha .
The reason is because .. SHALL NOT TELL YOO ! HAHAHA .
Or my ass will suffer le -.- HAHA , SEE I SOOO GOOD TO YOO BABY !

Shall stop here , BYEEEEEEEE ~ (;

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Tuesday, May 26, 2009 9:06 PM#

BAHHHHHS ~ Back from grooming course ! (;
Haha , i mean all the TR03 okies ~ :D

Learnt how to cleanse ur face , put makeup , how and wad
And and today is my first time putting on makeup myself kies !

Putting makeup is sooooo damn difficult lahs .
I keep poke until my own eyes , *pain*
Especially the EYE part , the most difficult part .

Well well , at least now i know how to do basic makeups !
Whees , anyone wanna be my guinea piggies ?! (:
The whole procedure is quite fun lahs xD

And and , i'm damn sadded lahs ~
Amy/Ms Chur say bangs don't suits me !
OMGS nahs ~ i just cutted 4days ago lahs .
She says side-fringe suits me , cause my forehead is short !

And sooo , they make my bangs into side-fringe
before i have my photo taken . and it's OMGS lahs .
My fringe is like soooo damn fake , LOLS .
Regretted cutting bangs during this period .

The thing was suppose to end at 4pm .
But i finish mine at 6.30pm plus okies ;\

Oohs ya , say till this . i have a message for DAWN SIA PEI FEN .
=\ , i'm v v v v sorry , sorry that i forget i'm meeting yoo at 4pm .
I'm really sorry ! I really forget yoo release at 3pm .
SORRY ! Arghs , i'm really forgetful . SORRY PS !

Went to take bus154 home . And the trip is damn damn long .
Because of jams ! I reached home at 8.30pm .
First time took so long to reach home .

Haha , okies . shall stop here , byeeeeee ~ ;D

x3 DE`DJ and and really very sorry !

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Monday, May 25, 2009 9:48 PM#

TRALALAS ~ Pictures taken on saturday (:
Delp , Ee Wei , Dawn , Deph , Ying Wei , Julius , Afiq ,
Kok Wai , Jun Jie , Presley , Yih Loong , Nigel , Alvin ,
Hoe Yeen , Joey , Yi Bing , Franky , Beng Khoon ,
Sim Yee , Sebas , Meldric , Leslie , Darren and ME ~

Went to sch for grooming course today .
The cher is damn funny , =X


Some say i look gong , alot say i look like egyptians .
Even my sis say my bangs remind her of egyptians ~.~
And and also say i look mature ! OMGS .
I don't want to look mature ;\

Went to buy a formal dress just now .
I like it v much ;P haha , and bought a shoe to go with it .
The dress is sort of casual also , soooooooooo .
Can wear to shopping/go sch/wadevaa ~ :D

*Someone shld know who i'm referring to :P haha .

Haha , i know yoo guys wanna tell me don't decieve myself right .
HAHA , okies shall stop here . BYEEEE ~

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Sunday, May 24, 2009 1:01 AM#

Went out today ;D
First thing i do was to ..
CUT my hair ! (;

Yeps yeps , i cutted bangs .
Some say i look like i have doll hair .
Some say i look like egyptians ppl ~.~
Oohs well , wadever ~ (:
My hair will grow back de okies =X

Soooo , bangs or side-fringe suits me ? ;P
Anyways , after that went to delp's hse to slack .
And i got a shock after i saw deedee's face *jaws-dropped*

See ! He cried until his face become like that .

This was him when he nvr cry .

Hes soooo cute lahs .
Haha , then 6.30pm went to meet Darren at je .

Meet the rest at bugis and went to eat at an indian restraunt .
The food was so-so nias . Mr Prata is still the BEST ! (:
Camwhored at the shopping centre nearby .
For a v long period . LOLS , real LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG .

Haha , keep disturb ppl who sit near the "fountain" there .
Only succeed in scaring the ppl a few times nias -.-

After that jiu went back home le .
HAHA , that's all folks (:

x3 DE'DJ , we will always be there for ya ;D

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Saturday, May 23, 2009 9:08 AM#


- BCOMM E-Learning Assignment , 25th May 9am .
*Test is not graded , but attendance will be marked . [DONE]

- BSTA E-Lecture and E-Test 1 , 25th May ~ 31st May .
*Multiple attempts are permitted . [DONE]

- FMM-ITR E-Learning , to be in by 29th May 5pm .
*A 5-minute video presentation , 10% . About SYOG2010 . [DONE]

- MIEC E-Learning Group assignment , 26th May 11.59pm . Individual , 28th May 11.59pm .
*Analyze the article as a group , post comments on the summary posted by the other groups and attempt the question posed . [DONE]

- CATS , Visit to Red Dot Museum and URA , 29th May 10am .
*Print out the necessary items . [DONE]

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Friday, May 22, 2009 5:47 PM#

Ahhs , feel soooo refreshed after the nap :D
I'm like soooo dead early in the morning .
Especially after my s&w lesson .

I've no energy left to be high and talk nonsense -.-
Walked home like a walking zombie after the long bus trip .
Ate abit and went to sleep le .

Ooh ya , a uncle asked me for directions of where is Makan Place , haha .
Soooo funny , cause i'm like walking zombie ,
"bad mood face" and he actually asked me .
I thought usually ppl will avoid asking these kind of ppl , lols .

Ya know why he ask me ? Cause i'm look friendly (;
Like real , -.- Okies , i know it's not funny haha .
Cause i'm wearing Ngee Ann Poly S&W tees lahs .
That's why he asked me , LOLS .

Okies , just some random post .
Tml going cut cut cut my hair .
It's been half a year since i cutted my hair .
Except fringe , hahaha .

Next week's E-Learning week , no need go sch right ?
Sad to say , NO . I've to go sch for grooming course , projects .
Soooo many project groups that i've forget who is in my group .
LOLS , sians sians sians . Exam's coming .
It's like freaking fast ?! z_____Z

Okies , i go do MIEC project le .
SEEYA ~ (;

Sweet <3

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Thursday, May 21, 2009 8:47 PM#

I'm tired , real tired . Really really tired .
Everyday i reach home , all i think about is SLEEP .

Today was the first time i'm listening so attentively
during MIEC lecture class , and took down alot of notes .
FMM was the same , and she was somehow "angry" in
the middle of the lesson , but she suddenly smile when
the student apologies to her -.- wadevaa .

Don't feel like talking about her in my post .
BSTA was quite okies for me today .
Probability really kills me -.-
Understand better after the lesson .
But , still don't really understand it .

WHY is poly's probability sooooooooo
much more difficult than sec sch's one ?!
Feel like banging my head on the wall , lols .

Hmms , took a v long time to digest new things .
Wadevaa bahs , i'm tired .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Wednesday, May 20, 2009 7:54 PM#

Another day passed -.-
Freaking fast lohs .
I hate tml ~.~

Don't feel like going , but have to go .
Arghs , tml's lesson is sb boring de .
Especially FMM , =.=
It's damn boring , boring , BORING .

How i wish i have a time machine to forward tml's lesson .
Haha , or i have a genie/doraemon !
Okies , stop day-dreaming -.-

Haha , today there's a tiny green worm stuck at my bag .
Joseph wanna shoot it away , but in the end .
FAILED , the worms died . HAHA ;P

And and i didn't know ice holicks taste soooo nice !
=X Okies , i sounds like an idiot who nvr drink before .
Wadevaa ;D Haha , i will drink and drink until i'm sick of it .
Cheys , but Mr Prata's homemade ice-lemon tea is still the BEST !

Omgs , i miss Mr Prata and Popeye ~
Sooo damn long nvr eat le ):
Although Mr Prata is only located at Clementi .
But i'm freaking bz and got no time -.-

I'm super duper tired everyday .
I want my holidays ! Sians .

Okies lahs , shall stop here .
I go do BSTA tutorial 04 le .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Tuesday, May 19, 2009 8:28 PM#

Okies , i'm done with the quiz tagged by Yvonne (:
Today's class was BORING .

I mean boring for FMM , haha .
Aiyos , lazy elaborate .
One word is enough =X HAHA .

And and i'm damn happy today !
Cause , i get to take afternoon nap today ~
Haha , i took 3 hours of nap ~
Sooooooo long nvr take nap le .

Chen Bin broke my yellow bangle today ;S
PLS PAY ME $100 (: Give yoo discount alr lols .
HAHA , joking xD I don't mind .
Now i can buy new bangle ! Lols .

And and Ang Siang went to bring 2 plug .
Hmms , i dunos wad is it call =X
Neh , those plug with many many plug one .
Oohs , wadevaa . Haha , he so considerate (:
Got think until us , not bad not bad ;P
Those people was like "whaa" whose one .

Should i do my BSTA tutorial now ?
Or tml night =X Haha .
Aiya , later then see how ;P
Shall stop here , BYEE .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 7:24 PM#

Quiz by Yvonne :D

1. Jasmine
2. Wilfred
3. Delphinna
4. Ee Wei
5. Dawn
6. Yvonne
7. Ang Siang
8. Joseph
9. Chen Bin
10. Chia Ling
11. Priscilla
12. Joey
13. Marcus
14. Kai Wen
15. Jaime
16. Cheryl
17. Lorelle
18. Lei Yi
19. Anna
20. Brenda
21. Rodney

How did you get to meet 7 ?
Ang Siang - Ngee Ann Poly , TR03 .

What would you do if you and 15 never met?
Jaime - I would nvr get to know her lohs , DUH =X

What would you do if 1 and 20 date?
Jasmine , Brenda - Haha , impossible ! One is my jie one is my friend ~

Have you ever seen 17 cry?
Lorelle - Nope , see she v tired before nias (;

Would 4 and 16 be a good couple?
Ee wei , Cheryl - Lols , they don't even know each other xD And both of them are girls okies ! (:

Do you think 11 is attractive?
Priscilla - Of course :D

What's 2's favourite colour?
Wilfred - OMGS , i dunos what my bro's fav colour ;\ Black ?

When was the last time you talked to 9?
Chen Bin - Just now in school , about 1pm plus .

What language does 8 speak?
Joseph - English , Chinese and ..

Who is 13 going out with?
Marcus - Erms , i dunos ! HAHA

What grade is 12 in?
Joey - Kindergarden =X Haha , joking . Ngee Ann Poly , Year 1 (:

Would you ever date with 17?
Lorelle - Haha , can arhs (;

Where does 18 live?
Lei Yi - Dunos ;S

What's the best thing about 3?
Delphinna - She's the bestest friend ever , so is Ee wei and Dawn (:

What would you want to tell 10 now?
Chia Ling - Don't miss me ! Yoo will see me in sch tml :D

Whats the best thing about 20?
Brenda - She's v kind can considerate (;

Have you ever kissed 5?
Dawn - No wors , but yes behind screen xD

What was the best memory you have with 21?
Rodney - Haha , SSS guild chalet 1 and 2 at Downtown east ~ ;D I accidently 害him drink 0.75 litres of water =X

When's the last time you're going to see 6?
Yvonne - HAHA ! Okies lahs , i'm not evil . There's no last time :D I will always see her de (: See , i so kind haha !

How is 14 and 12 different?
Kai Wen , Joey - Kai wen is quiet and shy , Joey is retarded =X Haha , joking (: Both good good !

Is 19 pretty?
Anna - YAA ! Super pretty (;

What was the first impression of 11?
Priscilla - Facebook , Msn and Korea !

How did you meet 20?
Brenda - Boonlay sec sch , same class for 4 years :D

Is 1 your best friend?
Jasmine - No , my best jie (:

Do you hate 12?
Joey - Of course .. NOT ! xD

Have you seen 18 on the last month?
Lei Yi - Yes ~ (; TR03 x3

When was the last time you said 16?
Cheryl - I nvr said her , i talked to her ! WHAHAHA .

Have you been to 5's house?
Dawn - Yes , alot alot of times ;P

When's the next time you gonna see 10?
Chia Ling - Tml during BCOMM workshop at 11am .

Are you close to 13?
Marcus - Quite so ! V suay lohs , same CATS class as him =X HAHA JOKING .

Have you ever been to a movie with 4 before?
Ee Wei - YAA ! And and is alot of times (;

Have you ever gotten into trouble with 8?
Joseph - Nono ;]

Would you give 19 a hug?
Anna - YESYES ~ x]

When have you lied to 3?
Delphinna - No , I hate liars . And and i'm so honest , so i won't lie ;P

Is 16 good with socializing?
Cheryl - YAA ~

Do you know secrets about 9?
Chen Bin - Yaa , the secret is his name is Chen Bin . Haha , okies . I know it's not funny =X

Describe the relationship between 12 and 14
Joey , Kai Wen - Classmates , TR03 FTW ! (x

Best thing about your friendship with 9?
Chen Bin - His FUNNY , poke your eyes and ar bish yoo ! LOLS .

What's the worst thing about 6?
Yvonne - She's smelly , =X HAHA , JOKING ! (:

Have you ever had a crush on 12?
Joey - No , although i x3 Edward Cullen =X JOKING (:

Does 14 has a girlfriend or boyfriend?
Kai Wen - Ehs , i not sure lehs . No i think (: Correct me if i'm wrong .

Have you ever wanted to punch 1's face?
Jasmine - YAA ! I've been waiting for v long , cheys !

Has 21 met your mother?
Rodney - NO ! (;

How did you get to meet 15?
Jaime - Ngee Ann Poly , TR03 xD

Did you ever physically hurt 3?
Delphinna - No , unless is an accident (;

Do you live close to 7?
Ang Siang - Ehs , i dunos where he stay . But no , i suppose ^^

What's 8's favourite food?
Joseph - Erms , desserts . LOLS , i dunos :S

What kind of car does 1 has?
Jasmine - Her own "car"
*PS car => leg in hokkien

Have you traveled anywhere with 9 before?
Chen Bin - Travel around Ngee Ann Poly , to lectures , tutorials or eat !

If you give 14 $100 , what will he/she spend it on?
Kai Wen - Shopping arhs ? Dunos lehs , but i suppose shopping is every girl's favourite ^___^

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Monday, May 18, 2009 8:45 PM#

Whees , TR03 is "BLACK" today .
Haha , everyone wore black !
But v 可惜 as there was no class photos .
Nobody brought their digital camera .

But nvrm ! (; HAHA .
We still have a lot of time to take pictures tgt :D

Anyways , today lesson was okokies luhs .
Haha , went to Alumni for lunch today .
Ate sweet and sour fish , damn nice (:

After sch went to OurSpace to do ITR tutorial 04 ;P
Actually wanted to play CS de , but no choice (:
Have to finish the ITR tutorial 04 group assignment first .
Haha , see i so GUAIS xD i know i know =X

Camwhored at OurSpace , (;
I'm so ugly in some of the picture !
OMGS lahs , haha .

Okies lahs , shall stop here ^___^
Below are some pictures taken in OurSpace !
BYEE , enjoy and TR03 FTW ~ (:

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Sunday, May 17, 2009 4:42 PM#

I've completed my MIEC tutorial 04 !
LOLS , OMGOMGS . It's 4.30pm only .
It's the first time in my 1 month NP life that
i completed my tutorial so damn early ~.~

Haha , and yeps yeps (:
It's my 1 month anniversary in Ngee Ann Poly , LOLS .
Time really flies -.- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .

I'm waiting for my " weekly pay " =X
Spent all of my money le , on foods , top and shoe .
I must start saving money ;X

Okies , weekend passes so FAST .
Yes , freaking fast lahs .
I haven't even enjoy enough then tml must go sch le -.-

I'm so jealous of my kor~ ;\
He got 5 days of holidays .
Soooooooooo good lohs .

And sooooooooo long nvr take neoprints le .
DE'DJ let's go take ! :D

Okies lahs , shall end off with this pic (:
BYEE lovelies ~

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 12:54 AM#

Saw something surprising yet disgusting -.-
Pls do not eat while reading this post ,
I will not held any responsibility if ya pukee , HAHA .


YES , BREAD ! (:


♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Saturday, May 16, 2009 10:44 PM#

WHEES ~ went out today with delp and eewei .
To bugis and fareast , haha .
Shopping time of course ! (;

Since sch re-open , i hardly had time to shop luhs .
Always busy with last min tutorial =X
Haha , i bought a tanktop and a pair of shoe today !

The whole journey is super funny .
人家 blahs blahs ~ HAHAHA !
Aisehs , not bad not bad ;P
I shall not say more , or my pipi will suffer ):
WHAHAHAHA , leg damn sour and pain today .

Due to shopping and s&w training on friday .
My smallest toe skin dropped off .
And i've got blister at the back of my leg -.-
Thanks to netball training , regretted it .
HAHA , but no choice ~

Okies , mon gonna wear black top ! (;
And i haven't do any of my tutorials =X
I will do .. either later or tml ! ;X

Kkies lahs , stop here .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Friday, May 15, 2009 11:26 PM#

Hmms , today's s&w was okies lahs .
V tiring at the v end part , haha .
But no push-up nor sit-up today .

CATS class was okokies lohs .
The cher v the -.-
Nth funny happened in CATS class today lehs .

Went dinner with delp , eewei , dawn , dep , sebas , meldric ,
hoe yeen , beng khoon and darren .
But then i'm really sick of foodcourt .
So we four went to eat Ben10 ;D

Went walk walk around jp after dinner .
Haha , then jiu go home le .
Walked back home , and saw dep they all .
Lols , they're slacking around my block .

Then sebas suddenly asked for my bro's name .
And and he suddenly shouted " WILFRED " damn loud .
So shocking lahs , haha . so late le lohs ;P
In the end , when i told him my bro was not at home .
He was like " errrrrr , then i shouted for wad " FACE . Haha

Camwhored with sis and bro , haha .
Theme : Quarantine , HAHA !

*PS heard " 分手快乐 " this song today .
Came across " 挥别错的才能和对的相逢 " this sentence .
So meaningful , hmms .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Thursday, May 14, 2009 4:28 PM#

WHALALAS ~ i'm backs , haha .
Shall start blogging about tues .

Went home with dawn on tues , after doing my CATS project .
It's about 4 plus plus , so we decide to take bus 184/52 to clementi .
Then take mrt back home , which take a shorter time to reach home ;D

Took bus 52 if i'm not wrong .
And some v ATTRACT ATTENTION thing happen .
The bus is quite squeezy , especially the front .
Then this " man " suddenly shouted , " Oi , can move in ? "
" Inside alot of space right ? Fcukers "
And everyone stared at him , but nobody really move .

I think he is damn pek chek as NOBODY cares about him .
And he purposely bang and rub against those passenger
while moving to the back of the bus -.-

Okies , that's about it . Haha , random post .
Then then , wed wasn't a good day for me .
My BCOMM ... hais , don't want talk about it .
Anyways , my quote for the day was
" Tml would be a better day , i suppose so bahs . "

And And , today was really a better day ! (;
Went to mac with TR03 just now for lunch .
Haha , the whole journey was damn funny ;P

Haha , and the first lecture for today , MIEC .
Joseph was somehow " outcasted " by our class .
Haha , because the two seats beside him , the table spoil de .

FMM lecture wasn't v good .
The cher today abit ...
Anyways , don't care her . haha

And i'm always in the same project group with yvonne ! haha .
FATE okies =X damn coincidence de lohs (;

Ohs ya , and i found out that my name is really v common .
I nvr realised it in secondary school luhs .
Haha , soooooo call me my chinese name ;D
HUISHAAN , but i need some times to adapt it ;X

Okies , shall stop here . BYEE ~
*PS Don't feel like going S&W tml , so tiring .

Sometimes , i do wonder what would happen to me ,
what would my poly life be if i've choosen SP ?
But i'm currently v happy with my NP life now (:

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Monday, May 11, 2009 9:17 PM#


My mum ate it ! haha .
She thought nobody else wanna eat .
And there goes my dinner , ;P
So , my dinner was maggie mee instead .

Haha , just some random post .
Something damn funny happened again .
And i almost fall asleep during BSTA class .
I have no idea what the cher is talking .

Anyways, celebrated Anna's b-day at NP on 04th may 2009 (;

And and , Dec 2008 & March 2009 Chalet ~

That's all ~ BYEE ! (;

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Sunday, May 10, 2009 12:32 PM#

Created a "How well do yoo know ME ?" quiz on facebook .
Nobody get 1OO% correct , muahaha xD

Highest is currently my kor and jie , 87% .
Damn funny , haha .
Many say my qns v easy lohs .
I thought my qns v difficult le sias .

Anyways , i have decide to chiong all my tutorials TODAY .
Yes , i mean it . TODAY ;X
I going to start soon le lahs , xP

Okies , i go do now .
*roll eyes* Like real , ~.~
Haha , BYEE ! (;

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Saturday, May 09, 2009 11:52 AM#

I'M BACK AGAIN ~ lols .
See ! i'm so enthu in blogging now ;X

Yoo guys will be sick of reading my blog soon ;P
Haha , joking ! (;

Ytd evening went to meet darling , baby and honey at JP .
For dinner ;D dinner was LJS .
And i dropped my chicken piece on the floor ~.~

Ate finish and i went back home straight to meet my bro .
Went to SDC to support my cousin's museum night !
Sounds v "high class" right , haha .
Actually is a project work presentation nias -.-
Every secondary 1 and 2 in boonlay sec must go through de process .

Meet alot of chers ~ haha .
Ms Linda , Mrs Ng -.- , Mrs Ramesh , Mrs Hong , Mrs Chan , Mdm Loo .
Hope i didn't miss out any , haha .

And and , Mrs Hong forget me lers -heart breaks-
Haha , so sad lohs ;X i'm her model student lehs .
Okies , joking haha . My skin not so thick =X
She still ask me i from which year !
Last year she just taught me chemistry nias ~
Haha , but in the end she remember me xP

Chatted with Mrs Chan too .
She says we keep asking her when free , but in the end
always nvr meet ! haha , must ask her out ~ (;

And my cousin museum night so slack lohs .
Can walk around , no need stay at booth to intro the project de .
Wth ~ ;X last time we all so "enthu" de .
Keep drag ppl come listen to our project .
*ps "enthu" cause of cher =X

And hors , nobody entertain me and my bro de lohs .
We walk to each booth all either siam or zao , or nobody de -.-
So not fun , haha . Cannot stress them ;X

HAHAHA , i shall stop here .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Friday, May 08, 2009 10:55 PM#

BOO ~ haha , today is a tiring day !
Had my S&W today , netball .
My body are ache-ing ~ ;\

Haha , something funny happened in CATS class again .
And i'm the only one who is laughing again ~.~

And and , i saw a guy in NP who look like HIM !

HAHA , shall end here ~ BYEE .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Thursday, May 07, 2009 10:04 PM#

TRO3 (:

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 8:57 PM#

BLAHS BLAHS ~ lazy to update >.<
Everyday is just lecture , tutorial , lecture , tutorial x1OO .
Haha , i say until like poly life sound so boring hurs ! ;X

Overall , poly is still okies for me .
Just that it does not seems as slack as everyone says =X
Whahaha , got to know TRO3 better as days pass (;

Name list of class TRO3 :
*names are not in order (;

Ang Siang - always wear the same clothes ;X
Joseph - skinny , funny and tall .
Chen Bin - wrestler .
Chia Ling - quiet , shy girl .
Priscilla - korea-lover !
Yvonne - always bully me T___T haha ;S
Joey - known as "retarded" =X

Marcus - MUGGER !
Kai Wen - also a shy and quiet girl (:
Jaime - known as "JAI - me " haha .
Cheryl - a v sporty girl .
Lorelle - LOREAL hair gel ~ lols .
Lei Yi - sociable and is a camp-lover ;D

haha , JOKING DE ! (: don't take it to heart .

haha , okies lahs . abit kinda bhb ;S

Okies , let me talk about what i do the last 3 weeks .
Hmms , first week go delpy hse slack slack slack xD
second week go celebrate delphy's b-day ~
dam fun and funny lahs , haha .
third week , haven't lahs ;X
saturday also haven't come , LOLS .

Aiya , shall stop here .
BYEE and takecares ya ^___^

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.



18th, January 1992
SQPS, BLSS, Ngee Ann Poly

♥Leave Your Footprints


Ang Siang
Beng Khoon
Cai Yun
Chen Bin
Hui Ting
Hoe Yeen
Jie Yen
Lei Yi
May Poh
Sim Yee
Si Ying
Sing Hui
Ying Shao
Yi Hui
Zhao Zu


August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009


Currently none, (: