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#Friday, July 31, 2009 6:13 PM#

TR03 :D

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 5:54 PM#

Today marks the end of CATS lesson!
Yay! It's like, finally. -.- Hahahahaha.

And and today is the best CATS lesson ever.
Not because it was the last CATS lesson, but
because the remarks for our presentation and
proposal was v good! (: Thanks to Anna, Ying Hong and Olivia.

V happy now :D Though i always v happy lahs. =X
Last S&W lesson is next week! I can't wait also.
I was hoping the coach would say next week is cancel.

But she didn't. -.- Disappointed lohs, but no choice.
Go sch 2h and come back liaos, lols.

And exams are coming, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Freak lohs, everytime exams exams -.-
Mon's the last presentation, and i'll be freed from works!

Stop here, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. (;

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Wednesday, July 29, 2009 8:06 PM#

Bad news bad news, tsktsk.
Didn't plan to work during the coming September holiday,
after our "major" exams. Now, i die die must also go work liaos.

Because the F&B module need 40h of experience in F&B industry.
And need to write report somemore. -.- Freak lohs.
I plan to play for the whole holiday de lohs. ):

Arghs, after exam then think about it bahs.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1:09 PM#

Last saturday went to Delp's hse to bake cake for Dawn.
:D Hahahahaha, bought ingredients with Ee Wei on Friday.
Went to Jurong East, as we wanted to buy the ingredients from
the cake shop there. In the end, -.- when we reach there,
we realise that the shop is closed, damn damn lame.

Then, in the end, we buy all the ingredients in NTUC.
Hahaha, waste our time traveling there -.-
The cake we wanted to bake was White Choco Cheesecake.

Saturday, woke up in the morning and went to Delp's hse to bake.
Started at 1pm plus, as Delp need to go see doctor. (:

First attempt: Failed.
Second attempt: Failed also.

Hahahahaha! The first attempt failed, because..
I added the wrong extract into the mixture.
I shld add vanilla extract into the mixture,
BUT i went to add coffee extract into the mixture.
Lols, because the freaking vanilla and coffee extract is
the SAME colour lahs! =X Both is dark brown in colour.

And i didn't realise until Delp asked, why is there coffee smell arhs?
Then we started to burst into laughter, =X
Then so, we went to buy some more ingredients as we decide to bake
another time. Since there is still leftover ingredients.

Bought back home happily, and started the whole procedure again.
Lols, as Delp was taking picture of the process, the whole bowl of cream cheese
just dropped on the floor =X Hahahaha, we start to laugh again, :P
Damn damn funny, but then. We just pick up the cream cheese and continue.

In the end, the end product was CHAO DA -.- Hahahahahahaha!
But then we just decide to give her ;P Then we decide to make
biscuits for her, hahahahahahahahahaha. Quite success lahs.

Then, meet her at 5.30pm, and went to Ben10 for dinner.
Afterthat, went shopping around in JP, and bid goodbye to her.

But actually, we secretly went to buy a cake, and went to her hse.
Hahaha, anyways. Happy birthday. (:

Ytd went out after sch. Hahahaha, damn happy.
Cause alot of lesson cancel this week! Whoos~
Totally don't have FMM lesson this week. (;

Release at 12pm plus, and went to Orchard for lunch.
Forget the place we eat at alr, the food was so-so.
Afterthat went to Cineleisure to buy movie tickets.
And went slacking around till 3pm plus going 4.

Went for our movie, Public Enemies.
Not bad, but some part i don't understand lahs. (:
I wanna watch Up, hahahahahahahahahahaha.

Today's lesson was damn short, shiock.
2hours only, whahahahahahahahaha.
Almost late for lecture -.-
Because i thought ITR lecture starts at 2pm.
But actually starts at 12pm, and i set alarm at 12pm.
Lols, but lucky lohs. I woke up at 10.40am somehow.
Sooooooo, i did manage to reach on time :D Pro hors.

That's all, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Sunday, July 26, 2009 10:04 PM#

I dunos why the hell i'm always so busy on Sunday.
In other words, i hate sunday -.-

Pissed, trying to suppress my anger now.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Thursday, July 23, 2009 9:02 PM#

Cute! (:

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 8:26 PM#

Went to watch Transformers, Revenge of the Fallen ytd!
Finally, :D Hahahahahahaha. I'm like kinda a bit too late ya.
But, it's a nice movie. (: I loveee BumbleBee even more now.
He's freaking cutee! And Optimus Prime too, hahahahaha.
But then, BumbleBee wasn't really the main for this movie.
So only a few scenes is totally his, ): Hahahahahahahaha.

But, i anticipate another transformers movie :D
Dunos still got anot, hahahaha. But hope got!
BumbleBee is loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. (;

Went for MIEC lecture in the morning.
After that took public transport to Expo.
The venue where our second FMM fieldtrip is held.

I mixed up Expo and Esplanade -.-
I even ask Kaiwen about Expo mrt station.
And they keep telling me it has open for years.
But in my mind, i was thinking about Esplanade mrt station.
I'm v sure Esplanade mrt station haven't open lohs.

Hahaha, my wrong my wrong -.-
Then went there, meet the rest of the TR03.
Went to listen to a talk, which last about 1h plus.
And bused back to sch for BSTA tutorial -__-"

Waste my time for the talk lohs.
Spent 1h plus on traveling, then in the end so fast go sch again.
And the talk boring lehs =X The person nvr prepare for her
presentation, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. (:

That's all, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Monday, July 20, 2009 9:43 PM#

Lesson learnt today:

1.Nvr forget to charge your handphone when the
battery is low, NVR. Or yoo will regret, like me today.
2. Rmb at least one of your friends handphone number.

Wth lohs, toopid battery went flat at the WRONG time.
I realise i really cannot survive w/o my handphone.
All i can rmb is my house number, daddy and sister number.

Climbed down from the 5th level to 2nd level of the library.
Went down to atrium, but can't find my friend.
Went up to 5th level again, to borrow handphone from Lorelle.
Thought i would rmb my friend's number correctly.
End up calling the wrong number -.-
Finally climb down and saw my friend!

Look like an idiot, climbing up and down.
So, i must really go memorise my friends number alr.

Okokies, off to projects. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Saturday, July 18, 2009 2:00 PM#

Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night.
Very dark, but there were stars, points of light and reason.
….And then you shot across my sky like a meteor.
Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty.
When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon,
everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded
by the light. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything.

-Edward Cullen.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Friday, July 17, 2009 9:52 PM#

Finally, the BUSY WEEK is OVER!
It's over, cheers~ I'm so damn happy now.
Finally, i can get a GOOD SLEEP.

Haven't been sleeping well for the whole week.
"Thanks" to the FMM-ITR Integrated project.
Finally, handed up today. FINALLY MAN.
Thanks to Yvonne, Joey and Lorelle for all the
efforts made in the project (:

Mon BSTA lecture was damn damn boring.
It's the freaking boring teacher -.-
He is even boring-er than Sonny Phua.
Chen Bin and Ang Siang keep scolding vulgar at him.
Hahaha, so funny. I totally nvr listen to him -.-

Thurs got BSTA Test, studied and studied.
The test was damn difficult. Totally not the same as
what we have studied. I mean the question structure.
Aiya, i just hope i can get good grades.
Ohs ya, before the test, Joseph keep 模仿 the
BSTA cher! Hahaha, so damn damn funny.
And the cher, talk to her hor, v the -.-
No comments, i bwg =.=

Afterthat chiong for our project, stayed in sch for dinner.
And chionged till about 10.50pm, then left sch.
My first time staying in sch till so late! Omgs.
And the lights in Atrium was off-ed at 10.25pm =.=
Have to use laptop in the dark, it's damn freaking dark.
Lucky got my groupmates (: Went home alone.
And reach home at 11.30pm, zai -.-

Today's S&W was v slack too! Hahaha.
I hope the coach is not coming on next week also.
I hope her sch gets into final, then she won't come alr.
And i seriously think if she comes back, she will get damn
damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn pissed.
Our standard drop until dunos what, lols.

Sian sian sian, still got some assignment haven't pass up yet.
And the due date is coming nearer and nearer.
But i'm simply lazy, too lazy to do it ): But i will do it.
Tml, hopefully. And i will sleep till afternoon tml!
Whahaha, soooooooooooooooo happy.

Okies, shall stop here. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
So, JC's stresser or Poly?

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Sunday, July 12, 2009 1:21 PM#

My plans for today:

-Complete MIEC tutorial.
-Complete FMM tutorial.
-Complete ITR tutorial.
-Study BSTA.
-Go JP buy stuffs.

But i don't think i can make it. -__-"

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 12:24 PM#

Credits to National Geographic.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Friday, July 10, 2009 10:21 PM#

Credits to National Geographic.

Netball coach nvr come today :D Damn slack during today's S&W.
Love it (; Ohs ya, saw a damn damn handsome angmoh businessman
today in MRT. Omgs, he look like he's from the Cullens family!

Well well, a busy week ahead, and i hate it -.-
How i wish time could just stop right now.
I'm lazy to move on, i'm lazy and tired to move on.

Sometimes, a little act can be the sweetest thing.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Thursday, July 09, 2009 9:50 PM#

People only cherish things that are hard to get?

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Monday, July 06, 2009 5:19 PM#

Yepyeps, went to the Ngee Ann Poly "concert" in VCH to support Joseph :D
Haha, meetup with Joey and Chen Bin at Habourfront Mrt.
Then went shopshop for prezzies, hahahahahahahahaha.

Afterthat had dinner at Mcdonalds, and rushed to VCH.
Thought we will be late =X But nvr ;D hahahahahahaha.

I only like the "Spirited Away" and "Love Story" they play
during the concert. hahaha, cause that's the only 2songs i know =X

Forget to bring specs that day! Can't see Joseph, lols.
After that walk to Clarke Quay, chatchat, and home sweet home.

(: Sunday was a tiring day! I chiong alot of tutorials and stuffs.

And there is no Youthday for Poly students! Arghs, whyyyyyyyyyy.
No fair =X Everyone's enjoying their holiday while i'm in sch ):
A busy busy semester, hate it. I haven't watch Transformers lahs.

Okies, shall stop here. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Sunday, July 05, 2009 10:04 PM#

Things that NEEDS to be done:

Week 13;
BCOMM Presentation:
Mon/Wed, 13th/15th July 2009.

BSTA Common Test II:
Thur, 16th July 2009, 5pm~6pm.
Be seated by 4.40pm, Lt 38.
Discrete probability distributions to Sampling distributions.

FMM-ITR Integrated Group Assignment:
Fri, 17th July 2009, 5pm.

Week 15;
MIEC cum BCOMM Pairwork Assignment:
Mon/Wed, 27th/29th July, 6pm.

CATS Assignment II:
Group work and self-reflection.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Thursday, July 02, 2009 8:47 PM#

Today's lesson was .. YAWNS .
Totally nvr pay attention during MIEC lecture =X
It's damn damn damn damn damn boring .

And two person beside me is using lappy !
Hahaha , keep kena distracted and no mood to listen ;P
My powerpuff girls drawing is cute okies , hahahaha .

Then went for lunch at Makan Place .
This week totally nvr go for lunch at Makan Place .
Hahaha , had jap food for lunch . Niceeeeeeeeeee .
Shall eat that next time (: AGAIN , hahahaha .

Then went for the boring FMM lecture .
As usual , boring . Hahahahahaha , keep typing nias .
After that is BSTA tutorial . Got back test paper .
Not bad :D Hehee , then went into tutorial .

After that camwhored with TR03 ! (;
Our first class photo , 2nd July 2009 , after BSTA tutorial lesson .
Using lappy to camwhored ! The whole class is inside the picture .
Hahahahaha , need alot of skills de wors =X

Tml's S&W and CATS class -.-
Soooo damn don't feel like going tml .
Both is the lamest lesson for meeeeeeee .
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 8:36 PM#

Our first class photo ;D Lovees .

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Wednesday, July 01, 2009 6:41 PM#

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 6:27 PM#

Blog blog blog (: Hahahaha , shall blog about the pass few days .
Saturday went to celebrate Sebastian's 17th birthday .

Hahaha , meet delp at JP at 3pm plus .
And went to shop for his prezzie (;
Bought a honey chicken for him , lols .
Tgt with a big big packet of kinder bueno .

Took mrt to lakeside and walk to his hse bus stop to meet EW .
Went around the blocks and search for his house .
In the end , we reached the block he told us .
But , the block he told us was WRONG -___-"

We spent so much time looking for the building !
Hahahaha , his own hse block also dunos =X
Then sit at his living room , chat chat .
Then went for dinner , took pictures .
Cut cake , eat cake , and went home (:

Tuesday went to Great World City for Hannah Montana the movie .
Cause it is only available in there , hahahahaha . So toopid lahs .
There's Joey , Jaime , Marcus , Chen Bin and me .

Ohs ya , Joey DATED me wors (: She jio me go watch Hannah Montana
the movie de =X hahahaha , *blush* and she admitted =X Joking !
Anyways , thanks for giving me my david archie photo :D hahahahaha .

Then went to Orchard first , cause Joey want buy something lols .
Then took bus there , just nice for the movie :D
And and , it's a niceeeeeeeeee movie ! hahahahahaha .

Then went to Yoshinoya for dinner , (;
Long time no eat alr , and reach home at 8pm plus going 9 .
Aiya nothing to write alr lehs , hahahahahaha .

Shall not bored yoo all to death , hahahaha .
Byeee , off to BSTA tutorial and my Laksa ;D

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.



18th, January 1992
SQPS, BLSS, Ngee Ann Poly

♥Leave Your Footprints


Ang Siang
Beng Khoon
Cai Yun
Chen Bin
Hui Ting
Hoe Yeen
Jie Yen
Lei Yi
May Poh
Sim Yee
Si Ying
Sing Hui
Ying Shao
Yi Hui
Zhao Zu


August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009


Currently none, (: