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#Thursday, September 03, 2009 12:46 AM#

Things bought today:
1. Bagpack - $15
2. Light green polo tee - $10
3. Black top - $10
4. Black bottom - $5

Great bargain! (:
Satisfying day today, haha.

Tml shall lead a "Ah kum" life, =X
Nights lovelies, (;

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Wednesday, September 02, 2009 11:35 AM#

Shuqun Primary School:

P1 - Class 1A
P2 - Class 2A
P3 - Class 3I
P4 - Class 4I
P5 - Class 5e
P6 - Class 6e

Boonlay Secondary School:

Sec 1 - 1E5
Sec 2 - 2E5
Sec 3 - 3E8
Sec 4 - 4E8

Ngee Ann Polytechnic:

Year 1 - Tr03

Can't believe i have finished 10 years of education.
10 years of my life on STUDIES, lol.
Haha, i could still remember last time.
I was counting how many years do i need to study.

And i seriously hate studying. -.-
But comes to this, adult will prefer to study than work.
They always ask us to enjoy studying, enjoy our life as a student.
Every single adult, every.

I guess, work is tougher and stresser than studying bah.
Haha, actually. Sometimes i wish i could go back to my sec school life.
It's kinda slack, especially during sec 1 and 2. Lol, i could remember clearly.

I remember we always went to school earlier.
And everyone starts to copy homework from one another, like everyday.

For english, i totally forget what i did during english class, lol.
If i don't remember wrongly, there is a english workbook with work for us to do.
Only remember sec 3 and 4, we were doing comprehension, composition everyday
during the last few months, when O level is approaching, lol.

Chinese is as usual, do all the writings, and the workbook.
Haha, i remember during sec 1 and 2, our chinese teacher likes Eewei a lot,
as a student of course.
Everytime, like if yoo forget to bring workbook or whatsoever, if just nice,
Eewei nvr bring, yoo are in ur luck! She won't scold Eewei, haha.
So, she won't scold yoo too much either. =P

Science was rather, eh no, is very stupid.
All we did during our theory lesson was, copy, copy and more copy.
Copy teachers' notes, but we nvr even listen to what she say lah.
And the worst thing is, i nvr even read the notes during exam.
Haha, the happy period for us is when our teacher, got her arm injuried.
She wasn't in school for like, 1~3months. It's either 1, 2 or 3months.
I forgot alr lah, haha. But that was the happiest period, lol. =X
The super duper worst thing is, i kena this teacher for my whole 4 years. -.-

Maths was okok, haha.
I remember me, dawn and another 2 guys, keep changing seats.
Cause the cher seperate the 4 of us, make us sit like, girl boy girl boy.
Because they keep talking loh, =X Haha.
Then we will secretly change seats, and the teacher always caught us.
Then will ask us move back to the original seating arrangement.
DE DJ was seperated, as they arrange the maths class, maths class only,
by your grades. As in all the As go this class, Bs go another class and so on.
Which is v v v v v stupid, -.- I doubt they still use this now.

History and geography:
I have no idea, no memories of what happen during sec 1 and sec 2 history and geo lesson.
Totally, i cannot remember anything special.
Sec 3 and 4 was rather fun, haha. Mr Lim is funny lah.
Haha, sec 3 and 4 history lesson was good, =D
Mrs Chan v funny also, (: And teach v well!
Gonna meet her next friday!

Home econs and D&T:
Lol, home econs i hardly touch any cooking.
I did most of the washing and a little bit of cutting, =X
Cause i don't know how to cook lah, =P
D&T was one of the subject i hate most loh.
V boring one, -.- Hahahahahahahahaha.

Lol, music lesson was a damn slack lesson.
Got aircon somemore, shiok. =X
But kena a dirty teacher, -.-
Always say yellow jokes.

Art was rather slack also, don't know how to draw, just anyhow loh.
Nothing much about art lesson.

Haha, amaths was good.
Just that sometimes v tired, then we will negotiate with Mrs Ramesh.
Ask her release us early, =X Sometimes she will!

Mrs Hong, cute! Damn lots of funny things happen.
Especially during sec 4, hahahahahahahahaha.
There is once, she wear the sci lab goggles, and
someone started to say she looks like crazy frog, lol.
And the whole class was like laughing, hahahaha.
Then still got a lot of things happen, like acid rain! =X
She will pinch ur ears if yoo naughter, lol.
But i nvr kena before, =P I her model student ok! =X

Haha, still could remember clearly we keep asking Mdm Wong
to go have baby, =X Then after a few months, she is really pregnant!
Haha, Eewei still go think of name for her baby lah.
And we keep guessing is boy or girl, lol.
Sec 4 was Mr Yip, a really good teacher, (:
Don't believe ask his ex-students!

Lol, v random post ah, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

# 12:20 AM#

Monday was Teacher's day celebration.
Didn't manage to go back BLSS!
Because of the F1 Intership and Camp briefing, -.-

The F1 Intership was okok, haha.
The person who interviewed me, so funny.
He speak to me in english + chinese, lol.

He asked me if i have any question.
So i randomly ask him about what exactly does a
kitchen helper need to do? Hahahahahaha.
So he replied that a kitchen helper need to cut
vegetables, chilli, bread for sandwiches etcs.
And yoo will be facing the same thing for the whole
3 days! V tough work, must endure, blah blah blah.

Then he ask me i can mah? Must be prepared that it will be a tough job.
Of course i say can lah, haha.
And i told him this kind of thing, 迟早 also must learn one. (:
Then he say, ya loh. Next time yoo must cook for ur husband also, blah.
He got mix chinese and english, but i forget what exactly did he speak le, lol.
Funny interviewer ah, =P

Then went to don't know where to eat.
After that went back to school for camp briefing.
Super less people go, -.-

And the briefer says, i understand some of ur friends went back to their
ex-school for teacher's day celebration. I hope yoo all can pass this message
(the things he brief us about the camp) to ur friends. =.=
I listen le, was like, wth?! If i know i don't want go le, zzz.

Nvrm, next friday going back to BLSS! :D
Shall go visit some of the teachers if got time.
Hehe, ooooooooooooh ya. Today went out with dawn.

To collect stocks, haha. Damn heavy can.
Lol, heng i bring bagpack. =P
See lah, ask yoo bring yoo don't want bring.
Orh bi! Hahaha, slacked in Changi airport for damn long.

Then trained home, haha.
Tml's going bugis!
Shopping here i come, ;D

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Tuesday, September 01, 2009 1:03 AM#

Feel like an idiot, totally.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Sunday, August 30, 2009 1:36 AM#


Finally, have time to blog! (:
Last two weeks, was very busy with exams.
4 papers in total, each have 10 chapters ok!
Almost go crazy ah, =X Hahahahahahaha.

*Phews* Finally, holidays are here!
7 weeks ok, whoooohoooooooooooooooooo~
I got a lot of things to do man.

To do list:
Meetup with friends.
And whatever it comes to my mind lah! (:

Haha, as i was chatting with my mummy yvonne just now.
Something funny happen lah, hahahahahahahahahaha.

Me: Hahahaha. The bird so funny. (P.S. The bird is a emoticon.)

Her: BIAN TAI! Hahahahaha.

Me: Haha, i say bird. Niao, yoo then bian tai! Hahahaha.

Her: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't think i don't know hor.

Me: Haha, is yoo think curve curve loh.

Her: NO! Is waiwai! Haha.

Me: Wai de english is what? Curve right!

Her: No, is cru-kiat.


Cru-kiat and Crooked! Lol, funny mother.
Hahaha, below is the evidence!

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lovelies.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Monday, August 17, 2009 1:02 AM#

Slept for the whole day, *contented*
Hahaha, woke up at 2pm. Ate breakfast and watch tv.
And went back to sleep at 3pm, hahahahahahahaha.
(Y) Jessicaa likes this. ^_________________^

Last week after MIEC and BSTA revision, went out with sister.
Meet her at Clementi, heading off to queensway shopping center.
On the way to Clementi to sch, saw Delphy :D
She was on her way to Clementi for Sakae, haha.

Bought alot of things while shopping.
It's been so long since i buy clothes! (;
How i wish 28th August 2009 have passed alr.
Then i will have lots of time to shop, play and do whatever i want.

Ok, shall stop here. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lovelies.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Tuesday, August 11, 2009 1:52 AM#

Lol, just now went to Dawn's hse. :D
Eat, play, talk craps, hahahahaha.
Shall meetup soon, (:

Ytd found out something, about my sister's tortise.
As usual, i was pouring food for him, and pointing
the food to him. Since he like can't see sometimes.

Then he suddenly, keep staring at my dark red nails.
I thought he was like staring at the food, but i was wrong.
He suddenly "dance", was damn shocked. But was funny at the same time.

I was laughing at the tortise, and excitedly shouted for my brother.
He came to see, and laughed too. And followed by, "he dancing mate dance."
I was like, huh? Really ah, and don't really believe. =X

I cannot believe that tortise is so the ... And my finger was so sexy? Lol.
But then i went to search in the youtube, and my brother was right! -.-
Can't believe that tortise ah, my hammy also nvr likethat. =X

And it's my first time, seeing a tortise dance a "mate dance", lol.
And i didn't know there was a "mate dance" man. =.=
Oh well, bwg! Hahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha.

Ate something wrong again, tummy-ache like hell.
I freaking hate tummy-ache. -_____________-"
Spoil my mood for everything, lol. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~

It will nvr be the same again. Not anymore.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Monday, August 10, 2009 1:44 AM#

Find a guy who calls yoo beautiful instead of hot.
Who calls yoo back when yoo hang up on him.
Who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat,
or will stay awake just to watch yoo sleep.
Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,
who wants to show yoo off to the world when yoo are in sweats.
Who holds your hand in front of his friends.
Who thinks yoo're just as pretty without makeup on.
One who is constantly reminding yoo of how much he cares
and how lucky he is to have yoo.

The one who turns to his friends and says, that's her.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Sunday, August 09, 2009 12:25 AM#

Laugh out loud with Howie do it! (: Peepee or poopoo?

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.

#Saturday, August 08, 2009 10:40 PM#

Miss my ah kum? (:
I bet yoo miss her hell lots right!
Here's a little update of her, cheers.

Fat alr? Lol, but still as cute as ever. (;
That's all, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Maybe, i shld get back my side fringe. Maybe.

♥And so the lion fell in lovee with the lamb.



18th, January 1992
SQPS, BLSS, Ngee Ann Poly

♥Leave Your Footprints


Ang Siang
Beng Khoon
Cai Yun
Chen Bin
Hui Ting
Hoe Yeen
Jie Yen
Lei Yi
May Poh
Sim Yee
Si Ying
Sing Hui
Ying Shao
Yi Hui
Zhao Zu


August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009


Currently none, (: